Feel... inspired
Inspiration comes in many different forms but, despite shapeshifting from person to person and place to place, it almost always has a mind-altering effect.
Inspiration comes in many different forms but, despite shapeshifting from person to person and place to place, it almost always has a mind-altering effect.
From dramatic skylines to cloudless horizons, these holidays will light the fire of curiosity and the promise of possibility within you, to burn long after you return home. Take time to explore cultural riches, landmarks both ancient and contemporary, and landscapes that take in the glorious cerulean hue of the Aegean, the sweeping white-sand beaches of south-east Asia, and the incomparable tapestry of the Kenyan savannah.
Learn about conservation, traditional local cooking, and time-honoured traditions; about Greek gods, Buddhism, and seizing opportunities. Go home with a mind more open, filled and fulfilled by memories of happy days, island-hopping, city-touring and knowledge-quenching. Leave nothing but footprints in the sand.

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Be thrilled by spectacular safaris and local culture.

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